Digital Sketchbook
December 18. 2023
The Story I'm going to tell
The real story is that it did not work out the way I wanted, but I will tell a different story.
Drawn on my iPad.

December 18. 2023
The Story I'm going to tell
The real story is that it did not work out the way I wanted, but I will tell a different story.
Drawn on my iPad.
December 18. 2023
The Getaway Car
Vancouver. Photo by Josué Menjivar.
lapin trouvé
Vancouver. Photo by Josué Menjivar.
The Hunter
Vancouver. Photo by Josué Menjivar.
No Parking
Vancouver. Photo by Josué Menjivar.
December 18. 2023
The Color that Broke My Heart
Drawn on my sketchbook and finished on my computer.
December 4. 2023
Stranger / étrangère
Drawn on my iPad and finished on my computer.
December 4. 2023
Waiting For The Wakeup
Drawn on my iPad and finished on my computer.
December 4. 2023
The Rain Comes
Vancouver. Photo by Josué Menjivar.
Sunday Cat
Vancouver. Photo by Josué Menjivar.
Red Blue Cat
Vancouver. Photo by Josué Menjivar.
November 26. 2023
Whatever Comes First
Drawn on my iPad and finished on my computer.
November 26. 2023
La Timida
Drawn on my calculus homework and finished on my computer.
November 26. 2023
La Valiente
Drawn on my calculus homework and finished on my computer.
November 26. 2023
Old Bones
Vancouver. Photo by Josué Menjivar.
November 26. 2023
Talk to the Tree
Vancouver. Photo by Josué Menjivar.
November 18. 2023
Missed Call
Drawn on my sketchbook and finished on my computer.
November 18. 2023
Things That Make Me Smile
Vancouver. Photo by Josué Menjivar.
November 18. 2023
Donut Day
Drawn on my sketchbook and finished on my computer.
November 18. 2023
Vancouver. Photo by Josué Menjivar.
November 1. 2023 Before Winter Arrives
November 1. 2023 Mon Voisin/My Neighbor
November 1. 2023 Lucky Cat Music
November 1. 2023 Coffee Break
October 7th, 2023 You Only Call When...
October 7th, 2023 Texas UFO
September 5, 2023 Donut Queen
September 5, 2023 First Day
August 24, 2023 Backyard Coffee August 24, 2023 With My Dying Breath
August 24, 2023 Scanner
August 1, 2023 appelez-moi
August 1, 2023 Blueberry Days AheadFirst Cup
The days are getting shorter and the weather is definitely changing. It's a new month and it's time to put away the summer clothes and prepare for winter. What other things will you do this month to prepare for your coming days? Will make some positive changes? Will you make a wise purchase? Maybe it's time to call an old friend. Welcome to November.
Vancouver. Photo by Josué Menjivar.
Digital Sketchbook
Drawn on my iPad and finished on my computer.
Digital Sketchbook
They didn't speak while listening to the beautiful music.
Drawn on my sketchbook and finished on my computer.
First Cup
After walking for hours, a bagel shop was a great place to rest.
Montreal. Photo by Josué Menjivar.
Digital Sketchbook
The phone kept ringing.
Drawn on my iPad and finished on my computer.
Digital Sketchbook
The UFO flew right by her as she was leaving the cinema. Does this happen often in the big cities?
Drawn with an HB pencil, a Pentel brush pen, and finished on my computer.
Digital Sketchbook
I love donuts and I love the Donut Queen. I've been drawing her in my sketchbooks for many years. It started with a postcard I own, and then it went onto various sketches.
Drawn straight in ink on my sketchbook and finished on my computer.
Digital Sketchbook
It was an awkward photo. It was her firt day at work. Although grateful to be employed, her palms were sweaty as the anxiety of what the day would bring and the fear of fitting in, was crushing her.
Drawn on my iPad and finished on my computer.
First Cup
Nothing like enjoying a cup of coffee in your backyard.
Vancouver, B.C.
Digital Sketchbook
I'm going out swinging.
Drawn on sketchbook and finished on my computer.
Digital Sketchbook
She was very grateful for the work, but she often felt sleepy as the beeps of the price scanner put her mind into a lull.
Drawn on ipad using Procreate app.
Digital Sketchbook
It's the new month. Call someone close to you. Call a friend, call a relative. Just call someone and let them know you are thinking of them. Appreciate that they are in your life. Are you calling already?
Drawn on ipad using Procreate app.
First Cup
Welcome to August.
The Summer will soon be winding down. Time for pie. Vancouver, B.C.